Hocking River
The Hocking River looking downstream during the early morning of Novermber 11, 2015. During this period flow rates where at normal with slighlty lower levels of turbitiy. Hocking River. Hocking Watershed.

Hocking River

The Hocking River looking downstream during the early morning of Novermber 11, 2015. During this period flow rates where at normal with slighlty lower levels of turbitiy. Hocking River. Hocking Watershed.


Unnamed Tributary

The confluence of an unnamed tributary and storm run-off flowing towards Emeriti Park.


Long Run

Downstream view of Long Run and surrounding woods. Low flow and turbidity.


Strouds Run

Riffle of a stream along Strouds Run Rd. during early spring.


Monday Creek

Forested stream in late autumn located downstream of water plant and upstream of Shawnee tributary (MC 62) around mile marker 24.3.


Unnamed Tributary

Two streams with high banks connect near Radar Hill. In between Radar Hill and the Ridges. Accessible via nature walk at the end of Piggery Lane. Site is at the bottom of a valley adjacent to the OU Challenge Course.


Sharps Fork

Underneath bridge, steep bank, rocky bottom.


Unnamed Tributary

Spring fed stream in ravine within Zaleski State Forest. Forested area, very clear and clean water with high diversity of plants and aquatic animals. Including rare spring salamander.


East Fork Queer Creek

From the bottom of Ash Cave overhang. A small stream falls over the edge of the rock and continues along route 56. Photo taken in Feb.


Coates Run

The stream behind Purple Chopstix Restaurant in Athens. Just before a light rain, during a low flow period.


Hewett Fork

Active Treatment Doser discharge into Hewett Fork, sampling site HF129.


Hewett Fork

Active Treatment Doser discharge looking upstream in Hewett Fork, sampling site HF129.


Hewett Fork

Looking downstream of Hewett Fork. Close to the intersection of King Hollow rd. & Rockcamp rd., sampling site HF039.


Burr Oak Lodge (boat dock)

water is murky; built up shoreline down slope from lodge; taken from floating dock

weather conditions - complete cloud cover, light sprinkles, breezy 59 °F

pH: 7.8 Temperature(°C): 14.3 °C


Middle Branch Shade River

Higher than average flow, 2 lined salamander eggs found, mayflies, and water striders, sandy and rocky stream bed


South Fork South Branch Wolf Creek

Water level was low, cut banks visible with some erosion.


Hamilton Run

This small stream is surrounded by mature hemlock forests. The water was crystal clear and flowing slowly between deeper pools. Substrate is very sandy with quartz pebbles and sandstone rocks of a variety of sizes. The stream was packed with leaf litter, which made finding organisms more challenging than in the summer months. We found mottled sculpin, creek chub, western blacknose dace, two-lined salamander, red-backed salamander, dragonfly larvae, mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, craneflies, and crawdads in the stream.


Hamilton Run

This small stream is surrounded by mature hemlock forests. The water was crystal clear and flowing slowly between deeper pools. Substrate is very sandy with quartz pebbles and sandstone rocks of a variety of sizes. The stream was packed with leaf litter, which made finding organisms more challenging than in the summer months. We found mottled sculpin, creek chub, western blacknose dace, two-lined salamander, red-backed salamander, dragonfly larvae, mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, craneflies, and crawdads in the stream.


Hamilton Run

This small stream is surrounded by mature hemlock forests. The water was crystal clear and flowing slowly between deeper pools. Substrate is very sandy with quartz pebbles and sandstone rocks of a variety of sizes. The stream was packed with leaf litter, which made finding organisms more challenging than in the summer months. We found mottled sculpin, creek chub, western blacknose dace, two-lined salamander, red-backed salamander, dragonfly larvae, mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, craneflies, and crawdads in the stream.


Hamilton Run

This small stream is surrounded by mature hemlock forests. The water was crystal clear and flowing slowly between deeper pools. Substrate is very sandy with quartz pebbles and sandstone rocks of a variety of sizes. The stream was packed with leaf litter, which made finding organisms more challenging than in the summer months. We found mottled sculpin, creek chub, western blacknose dace, two-lined salamander, red-backed salamander, dragonfly larvae, mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, craneflies, and crawdads in the stream.


Tributary of North Fork Captina Creek

Some livestock access to stream. Smooth turtle leech was found


Oldtown Run

No unusual observations. Minnows located at many sites.


Scott Run

No unusual observations. Minnows located at many sites.


Newell Run

No unusual observations. Minnows located at many sites.


Lang Creek

No unusual observations. Minnows located at many sites.


Glenn Run

No unusual observations. Minnows located at many sites.


Quaker Spring Run

No unusual observations. Minnows located at many sites.


Town Run

No unusual observations. Minnows located at many sites.


Jamison Creek

No unusual observations. Minnows located at many sites.


Katotawa Creek

No unusual observations. Minnows located at many sites.


Leidigh Mill Creek

No unusual observations. Minnows located at many sites.


Orange Creek

No unusual observations. Minnows located at many sites.


Captina Creek at Bend Fork entrance

Ideal riparian area, excessive ATV traffic and many dead crayfish.


Piney Creek

Shallow creek with driveway running through it and a bend. No noticeable water quality problems


North Fork Captina Creek

Water was turbid from previous rainfall the night before. No pollution sources present. Great riparian area.


Crane Nest Creek, a tributary of South Fork Captina Creek

Downstream did show signs of sedimentation. Great riparian corridor with outstanding plant biodiversity. Cattle did have access to stream.


Creek at Old River Valley Trail

It looked kind of clean but when you put something in it looked dirty.


Old Town Run



Newell Run



Glenn Run



Lang Creek



Quaker Spring Run



Town Run



Jamison Creek



Katotawa Creek



Leidigh Mill Creek



Orange Creek



East Fork Four Mile Creek

Flowing water, little pollution, mainly rocky substrate, small amount of silt on bottom, riffles, relatively clear.


Camp Hervida

This is one of the highest quality southeast ohio streams I've been in, although the camp did quite a lot of logging last year (removed all trees over 18 or 20 inch DBH, I believe, which has resulted in more light reaching the stream and also some slash piles were left in or near the stream. A lot of wildlife present, including a magnificent rainbow darter, two-lined and dusky salamanders, aquatic snails, several large crawdads, and several chub/dace/minnow species. Also observed mayflies hatching before our eyes, and caddisfly and stonefly larvae present. I used to find long-tailed salamanders in/near this creek but have not found them since the logging was done.


Raccoon Creek Watershed

Drizzle and Duckweed


Turkey Creek neat Shawnee St. Pk. Lodge

Macroinvertebrates: Mayfly, stonefly, dragonfly larva, water strider, Caddisfly, water penny, crayfish. Other: Northern water snake, sunfish, two striped salamander, darters. Very clear water, riffles, no odors, fish present. Most common substrate type: pebble


Chickamauga Creek at SWCD Office

Clear moving water with rocks and pebbles in the bottom. Found many insects, fish, Minions, and crawdad, etc. There was lots of plant life and wildlife.


Land Lab Pond

The water was pretty clear with fish jumping. There were a lot of dragonflies, insects, turtles, and birds singing. There was a tiny bit of algae and some pollen was floating.


Stream near Jackson High School (parallel to 139)

Water from the stream is mostly clear, some sediment present in the flowing water, and gently meandering. No pollution observed within eyesight. Lots of birds present and signs of deer tracks. Some insects as well. Flowing water. Tall grass on both sides of the stream - one side of the stream is a flat field and the other side is a steep forested incline.


Bear Creek at Camp Molly Lauman

Higher water than normal due to storm the previous night. Deer, blue heron, and other signs of wildlife.


Prairie Ditch @Raab Rd.

Cloudy water, very slow moving, debris on top of water. Surrounding vegetation mainly invasive grasses. No visible wildlife in area at time of sampling.


Big Sandy Run Zaleski State Forest

Stream velocity: 1.037 Macros: Crayfish, cranefly, Caddisfly, Alderfly, Dragonfly, damselfly, riffle beetle, midge, hellgrammite, water boatman. Other: 2 lined salamander, southern red bellied dace, creek chub, stripped shiner.


Land Lab Pond (New Fairgrounds End)

Pond with water that was very clear with little to no pollen or derby floating on top. The water was clear to see the bottom of the pond floor near the edges about 5 feet out toward the middle. The surrounding vegetation was strong, healthy, and very green. The wildlife was also strong for the day with birds signing, fish jumping, turtles, dragonflies, frogs, and minnows were sited.


Chickamauga Creek Land Lab Bridge

Creek was running higher than usual due to rain the evening before. Water was dirty and muddy from the rain and flowing faster than usual with riffles. The surrounding vegetation was strong, healthy, and very green. The wildlife was also strong for the day with birds signing, crawdad, water spiders, minnows, insects, and raccoon tracks.


Turkey Creek upstream of old dam

Clear and flowing freely. Trees surrounding river banks. Found: Crawfish, dobsinfly, waterpenny, damselfly, mayfly, stonefly, cranefly, snails, dragonfly, diving beetle, caddisfly, midges, water boatman, riffle beetles, whirligig beetle, leeches, aquatic worm, Johnny Darter, and Stripped shiner.


Spruce Run Bend

Between two riffles, bend in creek, small fish present, clear water. substrate type that was dominate is pebble.


Prairie Ditch

No Rain, Sunny, Humid, Semi cloudy water, moving slow


Rose Run Park, by Fodor Rd intersection

Water is clear, fish visible, vegetation right up to banks, water flow slow over riffles


Ohio Brush Creek- Creeks Bend

steady flow, murky brown water, rocky riffles exposed, in creek vegetation, erosion on banks


Creek near st rt 664

Clear water, trees/shrubs good source of shade, slow flowing, many boulders. Crayfish, snails, mayflies, caddisflies, cranefly, stonefly, damselfly, back swimmer, small fish.


Bliss Pond

Silt bottom of pond, observed many orb snails and water striders


Grand River Launch

CQHEI-52, mucky bottom with smothering and silting, mostly straight, deep pools, slow flow/no Flow. water strider, unable to get good sample for macros


Spruce Run Pool

clean, clear, series of pools, very little flow , highly eroded banks. Pebble is major substrate type. Identified water strider, frog, creek chub, water beetle, crayfish, minnow.


Oldtown Run

Bubble formations floating down stream


Orange Creek



Lang Creek

Cloudy, Bubbles, Water is a yellowish color in the bottom of the bucket


Town Run

Water is slow Lots of minnows and sediment is visible


Quakerspring Run

Downstream from barn, no animals just hay


Glenn Run



Scott Run

Lots of minnows


Katotawa Creek



Newell Run



Jamison Creek



Leidigh Mill Creek



Big Darby Headwaters Restoration Corridor

Low flow, no pollution, water is not clear, deep in bend


Big Darby Headwaters Trib

Water is moving and clear, bottom all rocks- cobble size, shallow, forest cover


Oak Hill stream near Southern school

Usually, a great stream in the quality of the macros. The water is clear and flows well. Contained more bad quality macros and less or none of the good quality. Great vegetation surrounding the area.


Rutland Conservation Area

We always get great results when it comes to the kids locating specimens to look at. Great vegetation and home to many creatures.


French Park, Amberley, OH

In this stream, the water was extremely clear. There was lots of substrate, dried leaves, and other dead matter in the stream and around the stream. The dominate substrate were pebbles. There was lots of dead vegetation around the stream. I saw one small fish in the water but no other animals/wildlife. The water was flowing extremely slow.


JHS Stream (Rt 139 Hill)

Sediment is present in the water making the water brown and cloudy water. No active pollution with small bits of trash, some cinderblocks and a few pieces of wood found in the stream. Roadway nearby (Rt 139) at the bottom of the hill near the bridge, and we see evidence of birds, foxes, deer, spiders, insects, worms, frogs, and owls nearby in the woods. Moderate speed and medium flow of stream - because it recently rained a large amount (we did testing two days after a large rain). There are trees, fallen leaves, frosted/brown grass of multiple lengths, fallen logs, and bushes nearby. The stream bottom is a mix of sand, gravel, and mud. Slight bends in the stream, but mostly straight and some parts of the stream flowed faster than others. Small island in the middle of the stream (we were able to stand on it).


California Woods Nature Preserve

The conditions of the stream were fairly fast moving water, semi-clear water and a high amount of water. There was little to no trash nearby and the substrate was mostly dried leaves and rocks. There were also lots of rocks and dead vegetation along the stream bed. There was no wildlife present.


Unnamed tributary to Dairy Lane

small riffles and pools, no odor


Oldtown Run

There was a field planted no-till with beans on one side of the stream and a grassy area on the other side. The water was murky.


Newell Run

There was heavy tree cover, a pasture partially on one side of the stream, and minnows present in the stream.


Scott Run

There was little to no tree cover and the stream bed was mostly sediment. There were small minnows present in the stream.


Lang Creek

The water had scum and was murky. There was a water treatment plant on one side of the stream and an open yard on the other. There is also a busy road that travels overtop of the stream.


Glenn Run

There was high tree cover and the water was roughly a foot deep. There were no minnows observed.


Town Run

There was a decent amount of tree cover and open grass lots on either side of the stream. The water was clear.


Quaker Spring Run

On one side of the stream it was wooded and on the other side was a pasture with exposed dirt.


Jamison Creek

There was minimum tree cover and the water was relatively low. There were also a large number of minnows present.


Katotawa Creek

There was a farm field on one side of the stream and a woods on the other side. There were minnows and algae observed in the stream.


Leidigh Mill Creek

There were farm fields on both sides and moderate tree cover over the stream.


Orange Creek

There were farm fields surrounding the stream and moderate tree cover. There were also minnows present in the stream.


Beal Lake

vegetation around lake. Crayfish, stonefly, mayfly, damselfly larva, dragonfly larva, midge, water strider.


Lake White Spillway pee pee creek

Found fish, turtles, and crayfish


Hammertown Lake

Rained recently, very clear water


Ohio River in Portsmouth

Semi-clear water, no wildlife seen, some green algae present


North Fork Paint Creek

Clear, flowing water, diverse substrate.


Eulett Beach

Run Green forested, Brown , Murky, Recent rain , Low flow, - encountered wildlife on the way in. Birds, Arthropods, All natural , no man made structure, no litter. Drought monitor- D0 abnormally dry Macros: Asiatic clams, mayfly, freshwater mussels, water penny, snail egg cases, clams, dragon hunter dragonfly larva , gill snail


Eulett Beach Riffle

Riffle , clear water, leafy , mossy, forested, algae, otter and coyote scat found. fishing spider, wolf spiders.... and that one frog that got away - Substrate Type cobble Macros and Fish: hellgrammite, greenside darter, whirligig beetle, stonefly, caddisfly, mayfly, crayfish, otter and coyote scat


Little Miami River

Lots of Gilled Snails, 2 Water pennies, lots of caddisfly, riffle beetles, diving beetles, mayflies


spruce run creek

Everything was peaceful and quite. The leaves started to turn colors for fall and that was really pretty.


Glenn Run

The water was relatively clear with minimum tree cover and farm fields on either side of the stream at the sampling site.


Town Run

The water was shallow and clear and also appeared very clean.


Quaker Spring Run

The water was deep (roughly around 2 foot) and appeared clear. There was a minimum amount of tree cover and minnows were observed at the test site.


Jamison Creek

The water was clear and there was minimum tree cover at the sampling site. The sampling site was in a residential area in town. Minnows were observed at the site.


Oldtown Run

The water was deep (roughly 3ft) and was murky. There was little tree cover at the sampling site.


Newell Run

The water is shallow and clear. There is medium tree cover present and minnows were observed at the sampling site.


Scott Run

The water was shallow and clear. There was minimum tree cover and minnows present at the sampling site.


Lang Creek

The water has a small level of turbidity and minimum tree cover. The water was fairly deep with the deepest area being roughly 3ft.


Katotawa Creek

The water was clear with medium tree cover. The water was slow moving and roughly 2-3 foot deep.


Orange Creek

The water was very clear and deep (roughly 4ft in some areas).


Leidigh Mill Creek

The water was clear and roughly 2 ft deep. There was minimum tree cover and farm fields on either side of the stream at the sampling site.


Oldtown Run

No wildlife visible, small amounts of foam and bubbles, water was murky but clear in the container. There were trees surrounding the bank and hanging over the creek.


Newell Run

Wildlife visible, clear water, currently flowing, water is shallow and rocky on one side and deeper on the other, lastly there are trees lower nearby.


Scott Run

Shallow, clear water, no visible wildlife, lots of moss, and low branched trees covering creek.


Lang Creek

Murky water, good flow, no obstructions over creek, no wildlife visible, and lots of foam in a pile near bridge.


Glenn Run

Water was muddy in creek, but clear in container, no visible wildlife, trees around the bank, and no foam.


Town Run

Clear shallow water with no obstructions on one side, low tree branch on the other, and lots of wildlife visible.


Quakerspring Run

Clear water with lots of wildlife seen, and a few shallow rocky spots.


Jamison Creek

Clear water with lots of wildlife visible, deep in some spots, shallow by bank with rocks, and not a lot of obstructions near creek.


Katotawa Creek

Fish visible, clear water, and trees near the bank of water.


Orange Creek

Murky water with no visible wildlife, slow flowing and pretty deep in some areas.


Leidigh Mill Creek

Murky water with lots of trees and brush near the bank covering the water, no fish seen, a little bit of foam by bank.

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Hocking River

The Hocking River looking downstream during the early morning of Novermber 11, 2015. During this period flow rates where at normal with slighlty lower levels of turbitiy. Hocking River. Hocking Watershed.