Mine Pool Study

U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
for Applied Science Cooperative Agreement funded Ohio University's (OHIO) project:
"Tools to predict the hydrological response and mine pool formation in underground
mines." The research was conducted 2016-2019 to develop an empirical model using
publicly available data.
We gathered and analyzed data for all 28 of Ohio's permitted underground coal mines.
Multivariate analysis with THE UNSCRAMBLER and neural networking software NEUROSHELL2
were applied to 14 mines with comprehensive data, identifying significant factors
in mine pool development. Key parameters informed the development of a geographic
information system (GIS) model in ArcGIS. The tool can be used by regulators and
industry mining permit applicants to determine the probability that a proposed underground
mine will form a mine pool likely to produce surface discharge. Long term data from
existing mine pool monitoring validated results.
For further information and a contact for this project, please direct your inquiries
Dr. Natalie Kruse, Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs,
Dr. Dina Lopez, Geological Sciences, lopez@ohio.edu
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